What's New in PHPMaker 2021

PHPMaker 2021 is another huge upgrade from previous version. It is loaded with a bunch of new features, including many frequently requested ones. PHPMaker is probably the most powerful and flexible product of its kind, and yet still easy-to-use as always.

IMPORTANT If you upgrade from previous versions, please note that there are some breaking changes in this version, make sure you read Migrating to v2021 first.



PHPMaker 2021 generated applications now use Slim Framework. Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. Web servers should be configured to sends all appropriate requests to one "front-controller" PHP file, the index.php, in which the Slim app is instantiated. The Slim app contains routes that respond to specific HTTP requests. Each page in previous versons (e.g. /carsview.php?ID=1) is now a route (e.g. /carsview/1 or /cars/view/1). Each route invokes a callback and must return PSR-7 Response object. With Slim app you can use not only routing but also other advanced features such as middleware and dependency container.

Enhanced Validation


Field Input Help Text (Custom Message)


Enhanced Charts



Encrypted Connection with MySQL/PostgreSQL


Sharing Project with Other Users


Improved Custom Template


Improved Select Tag


Improved Dropdown for Radio/Checkbox Tag


Improved Toasts

AdminLTE Toasts Plugin (activated as a jQuery plugin) with different options and events.


Improved Alerts


Swagger UI for REST API


New Advanced Settings


New Server Events

