
This demonstration requires browsers with JavaScript enabled.

Note This demonstration uses some extensions which are available for registered user only.

The scripts are generated by PHPMaker without hand-coding.

More detailed description of this demo project is provided in the tutorials of the help file.

This demo project shows you how the generated pages look like and illustrates some of the advanced features:

Advanced Security

You can view some pages without login as an anonymous user.

You can then login using the following accounts to see the feature works.

The menu items changes with permissions.

Username: admin
Password: master

This is the administrator account which have full permissions, including user management.
Employee #1
Username: nancy
Password: 1234

This account has limited permissions. You can only view records in tables.
Employee #2
Username: andrew
Password: 1234

This account has full permissions except user management. you can only modify your own record in the "Employees" table.

You can login using the administrator account first, then logout and re-login using other accounts to see the Advanced Security works.

Impersonate User

Login with the Administrator account ("admin"), click "Employees", click the "Switch to '...'" button (e.g. "nancy") to impersonate that user. Perform whatever action you want as that user.

On completion, click the "Swtich back to 'admin'" button to return to the role of Administrator.

Dark Mode

Click the "Toggle theme" dropdown button on the top right corner. Select "Dark" to switch to "Dark Mode", and then select "Light" to switch back to "Light Mode".

Search Result Highlight

Click "Cars" and search Category in the search panel. Click "Highlight" button to hide/show the highlight effect.

Grid-Add/Edit, Inline-Add/Copy/Edit, Multi-Delete/Update/Edit

Click "Suppliers".


Click "Orders", click "Master/Detail Add" button in the top or bottom panel, and the "Master/Detail Edit/Copy" links in the dropdown button in each row.

Data Confirmation on Add/Edit, CAPTCHA on Add

Click "Suppliers". Try add or edit a record.

Detail Preview (Nested Preview) (Extension for registered users only)

Click "Customers". Click the preview button on the left of any "Customers" record to show the "Orders" records. Then click the preview button on the left of any "Orders" record to show the "Order Details" and "Order Details Extende" records

Detail Preview (Modal) (Extension for registered users only)

Click "Trademarks". Click the preview button on the left.

Detail Preview (Off Canvas) (Extension for registered users only)

Click "Categories". Click the preview button on the left.

Preview Field

Click "Employees". Click on any row to see the description notes for the employee.

Fixed Header Table

Click "Products". The page has a larger page size and the records are scrollable.

Use Ajax Actions

Click "Suppliers". Click the pager and field captions and the page is loaded by Ajax.

Infinite Scrolling Table (Extension for registered users only)

Click "Orders 2". You can scroll down to load more records.

Auto Suggest Textbox

Click "Customers" and enter a few characters in the "Customer ID" textbox in the search panel.

Auto Fill Textbox

Click "Order Details", try to add a new record, select a product and the price will be auto-filled.

Add Extra Option to Lookup Table

Click "Cars" and then add or edit a record, click "Add Trademark" and then "Add Model" to add a parent/child option to the comboboxes.

Custom Card / List Layout

Click "Cars", click "Cards view" / "Table view" buttons to toggle between Custom Card / List layout

Extended Quick Search

Click "Cars" or "Categories" or "Customers" or "Employees" or "Products".

Use NavBar for Quick Search

Click "Products", then "Search" button on top right corner of the navigation bar.

Query Builder

Click "Orders", then click the "Query Builder" button on top.

Field level filter

Click "Products" and then click the "Filter" icon next to "Product Name".

Tooltip Field

Click "Cars" and move mouse cursor over the hyperlinks of the model names.

Multi-Page with Common Fields

Click "Cars" and then add, edit or view a record.

Multiple Detail Tables

Click "Orders", it has 2 detail tables: "Order Details" and "Order Details Extended".

jQuery File Upload and Multiple File Upload

Click "Employees", go to the Add or Edit page, try the "Photo" field.

Dynamic Selection List

Click "Cars" in the left menu and then add or edit a record. In the add or edit page, change the "Trademark" combobox and see how the "Model" combobox changes.

Dynamic User Levels

Login as administrator and click "User Levels".

Parent User ID

Login as employee #2 (andrew) and click "Orders", this user can modify his subordinate's records.

Summary Report

Click "Sales By Customer".

Compact Summary Report

Click "Sales By Customer (Compact)".

Crosstab Report with Chart

Click "Quarterly Orders By Product".

Drill Down Report

Click "Sales By Customer (Compact)", then click the summary values (in blue) in the report

Drill Down Chart

Click "Quarterly Orders By Product", then click the bars in the chart.

Dashboard Report

Click "Dashboard". The report shows both report and charts. You can click the pager in the report to go to the next page dynamically, or click the Export buttons on top to export the dashboard report.

Calendar Report

Click "Calendar". The report shows events in calendar month/week/day format. You can click on an empty date to add an event, or right click on any event to view/edit/delete the event.


To try exporting to PDF, go to any View page and click the PDF icon. To try exporting to native Excel format (Excel 97 and higher) by PhpSpreadsheet extension (for registered users only), click the Excel icon in any page.

Server Events

Click "Cars". The table uses server event to do conditional formatting.

Custom Template

Click "Cars2". The table uses Custom Template to show each record in 2 rows.

Custom Template (Summary Report)

Click "Sales By Customer 2", select an order and then click Export -> Printer Friendly or Export to PDF.

Custom View Tag (Bar Code)

Click "Products", see the Barcode field.

Custom View Tag (Google Map)

Click "Locations (GoogleMaps)", see the single map in List page.

Custom View Tag (Leaflet) (registered users only)

Click "Locations (Leaflet OSM)" / "Locations (Leaflet Mapbox)" to see the single map of Leaflet OpenStreetMap / Mapbox in List page.

Sequence Number

Click "Orders2".


See cars table View page, or cars2 table, or employees table List/View page.

Custom Files

See "Home" page and "News" page.

Custom Field / Client Side Events

See "Order Details" table's List and Add/Edit pages.

Linked Table

Click "Dow Jones Index" which is a table from another MySQL database.

Tabular Form for Desktop

See "Products" table's Add/Edit page.

Password Generator and Password Strength Meter

See "Register" page (Click "Login" and then the "Register" link) or "Change Password" page (login as an employee, not administrator).

Local Storage of Search Criteria

See any table's List page that supports searching.

Encrypted File Path of Uploaded Files

See the hyperlinks of the images in the "Employees" table.

Cancel Button with Confirm Dialog

See any table's Add/Edit/Delete/Update Pages.

Modal Dialogs for List page

Click Add, Copy, Edit, Delete, Update, View and Advanced Search button in "Cars" table's List page.

Modal Lookup for Searching and Selecting from Lookup Table

Click "Customer ID" field in List, Add or Edit pages of "Orders" table.

View/Edit/Add/Copy/Delete Links in Detail Grid of Master/Detail-View

Go to "Orders" table's List page, choose a record and click "Master/Detail View".

Field Visibility

Login as different user (see above) and go to the "Products" table, the "UnitsInStock", "UnitsOnReOrder" and "ReorderLevel" are visible for employee #2 (user level = 2) only.

Column Visibility

Click "Customers" table, click the "Columns" dropdown to show/hide different fields.

Field Headers with Sorting Disabled

Go to "Orders" table's List page, only the "OrderDate" field allows sorting.

Auto Hidden Pager

Go to List pages of "Categories" or "Shippers" table, both have only one page of record and pagers become hidden automatically.

Search and Sort in User Level Permission Page

Go to List pages of "User Levels" table, select an User Level and choose "Permissions".

Menu Icons

See the icons in some of the menu items.

Search in Menu Sidebar

Enter any text in the search box in the Menu Sidebar.

Responsive Layout

Browse the site with mobile.

Note Updating is disabled on the demo site, if you try to add/edit or perform any action that may update the database, you will see the error message An internal error has occurred while processing your request or error message that indicates that the database is read-only. You can however download the demo project and test on your machine.

Enter the Demo Site

Above is just part of what PHPMaker can do. PHPMaker provides a variety of other features for you to generate code that suit your needs. Download PHPMaker now and explore its power and flexibility!

Download the Demo Project    (Read the readme.txt for setup)