Third-party Tools

**Note** All third-party tools are not developed by the author of PHPMaker and all extensions are not part of PHPMaker, NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT WILL BE PROVIDED.
Third-party tools used in template or extensions (including but not limited to): * [Composer]( * [Slim Framework]( * [CORS Middleware]( * [Content Security Policy Builder]( * [Doctrine DBAL]( * [Doctrine ORM]( * [Doctrine Behavioral Extensions]( * [Monolog]( * [Symfony Components]( * [PHPMailer]( * [Hybridauth]( (Supports Google and Facebook providers only) * [Flysystem]( * [PHP Debug Bar]( * [phpdebugbar middleware]( * [HTML Purifier]( * [Mobile Detect]( * [php-encryption]( * [PhpSpreadsheet]( * [PHPWord]( * [Dot Access Data]( * [FIG Cookies]( * [DiDOM]( * [Case converter]( * [PHP-JWT]( * [TCPDF]( * [tc-lib-barcode]( * [Intervention Image]( * [PHP Thumb]( * [Light SAML]( * [WebPush]( * [Google2FA]( * [libphonenumber for PHP]( * [portphp]( * [whoops]( * [html2text]( * [ramsey/uuid]( * [spatie/color]( * [illuminate/collections]( * [illuminate/encryption]( * [Bootstrap 5.3]( * [AdminLTE 3.2]( (Plugins are not supported) * [Font Awesome 6 (Free only)]( * [jQuery]( * [Chart.js 4]( * [Select2]( * [SweetAlert2]( * [JsRender]( * [TinyMCE 6]( * [Tabulator]( * [Luxon]( * [Date/Time Picker]( * [Popper]( * [Pace]( * [jQuery File Upload]( * [jQuery Query Builder]( * [FullCalendar]( * [typeahead.js]( * [Cropper.js]( * [PDFObject]( * [Colorbox]( * [Rich FileManager]( * [Time Picker]( * [reCAPTCHA]( * [Bootstrap Colorpicker]( * [Leaflet]( * [pGenerator]( * [pStrength]( * [UAParser.js](


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