Local file system root (relative to project folder)
The root of local file system relative to project folder. Default is ".", i.e. the root of the web application. It is recommended that you use the default value, only change it if absolutely necessary.
Local file system public URL
The base URL for local file system. If unspecified, the public URL prefix will be the base path of the web application. If you set the **Local file system root** as some folder that is not accessible by the path joining the base path and the local file system root, then you need to specify this setting so that your files are accessible on your website.
AWS S3 access key ID
AWS S3 access key ID
AWS S3 secret access key
AWS S3 secret access key
AWS S3 region
AWS S3 region
Google Cloud Storage project ID
Your [Project ID](https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/creating-managing-projects) from the Google Developer's Console.
Google Cloud Storage key file path
The full path to your [service account credentials](https://developers.google.com/workspace/guides/create-credentials) .json file retrieved from the Google Developers Console.
Azure Storage account name
Azure Storage account name, see [Configure a connection string for an Azure storage account](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-configure-connection-string#configure-a-connection-string-for-an-azure-storage-account)
Azure Storage account key
Azure Storage account key