Refer to the following tables for detailed description of objects and their properties for use with Template Tags.
Object | Description |
CONTROL | Control Object |
PROJ | Project Object |
PROJ.MasterDetails | Master Details Object |
PROJ.CustomScripts | Custom Scripts Object |
PROJ.Menus | Menus Object |
DB | Database Object |
TABLE | Table Object |
CHART | Chart Object |
FIELD | Field Object |
PROJ.LINKDBS (v12.0+) | Link Databases Object |
You can use the standard dot notation to access properties of the objects.
<#= PROJ.ProjName #>
This line will write the project name in the output file.
The CONTROL Object points to the current control in control.xml that is being generated.
Property | Description | Data Type |
CtrlID | Control id (e.g. list, view, edit, etc.) | String |
CtrlType | Control type (e.g. table, report, other, copy, etc.) | String |
PROJ Object
The PROJ Object points to the current project. You can access the current project properties by PROJ.PropertyName.
Property | Description | Data Type |
ProjID (v9+) | Project ID (GUID) | String |
ProjName | Project name | String |
ProjVar | Project variable | String |
MultiLanguage | Use multiple languages | Boolean |
DefaultLanguageFile | Default language file | String |
LanguageFiles | Language file list (comma separated) | String |
SQLQuote | SQL quote identifier (Square Bracket / Double Quote / Single Quote / Back Quote / None / Default) | String |
CodePage | Code page | Integer |
Cache | Allow cache | Boolean |
CharSet | Character set | String |
CSS | External CSS file | String |
OutputNameType | Output file name option: "" - No prefix or suffix "Prefix" - Prefix with extension "Suffix" - Suffix with extension |
String |
OutputNameExt | Output file name extension name | String |
OutputNameLCase | Output file name in lowercase | Boolean |
BodyTitle | Body title description | String |
BodyFont | Body font | String |
BodySize | Body size | String |
DocType (v6.0+) | Document Type | String |
ApplicationTheme (v6.0+) | Application Theme | String |
HeaderLogo (v5.0+) | Page header logo file name | String |
FooterText (v5.0+) | Page footer text | String |
Template | Template location | String |
Destination | Output folder location | String |
SecType | Security type: "None" - no security "Hard Code" - use hard coded administrator login / password "Use Table" - use security table "Both" - Use both security table & hard coded administrator login / password |
String |
SecLoginID | Administrator login id | String |
SecPasswd | Administrator password | String |
SecTbl | Security table name | String |
SecLoginIDFld | Security table login id field name | String |
SecPasswdFld | Security table password field name | String |
SecEmailFld | Security table email field name | String |
SecForgetPwdPage | Generate forget password page | Boolean |
SecChangePwdPage | Generate change password page | Boolean |
SecChangeEmail | Send email for password change | Boolean |
SecRegisterPage | Generate registration page | Boolean |
RegisterReturnPage (v6.0+) | Registration return page | String |
RegisterMultiPage (v6.0+) | Register page use Multi-Page layout | Boolean |
SecRegisterConfirm (v5.0+) | Registration page needs confirm | Boolean |
SecRegisterCaptcha (v5.0+) | Registration page uses captcha | Boolean |
SecLogInOutAuditTrail (v5.0+) | Login / logout page needs audit trail | Boolean |
SecLoginCaptcha (v9+) | Login page uses captcha | Boolean |
SecForgotPwdCaptcha (v9+) | Forgot password page uses captcha | Boolean |
SecChangePwdCaptcha (v9+) | Change password page uses captcha | Boolean |
SecRegisterActivate (v5.0+) | Registration page needs activation | Boolean |
SecRegisterActivateFld (v5.0+) | Registration page activation field name | String |
SecRegisterEmail | Send email for registration | Boolean |
SecRegisterAutoLogin | Auto login for registration | Boolean |
ModalLogin (v2020+) | Use modal for login page | Boolean |
ModalRegister (v2020+) | Use modal for register page | Boolean |
ModalChangePassword (v2020+) | Use modal for change password page | Boolean |
ModalForgotPassword (v2020+) | Use modal for forgot password page | Boolean |
SecSenderEmail | Sender email address | String |
SmtpServer | SMTP server name | String |
SmtpServerPort | SMTP server port | Long |
SmtpSecureOption (v9+) | SMTP secure option (SSL/TLS) | String |
MemoCRLFReplace | Replace CRLF with BR for memo field | Boolean |
StartPage (v9+) | Project start page | String |
XMLEncoding | XML encoding charset | String |
UploadPath | File upload path | String |
UploadAllowedFileExt | Allowed upload file extensions | String |
CssStyles | User css style content | String |
AutoSync | Auto synchronize when open project | Boolean |
AutoBrowseURL (v9+) | Auto browse URL | String |
AutoBrowse | Auto browse after generation | Boolean |
OtherGenList (v7.0+) | Generation list for other scripts. Format: @db=1|@css=0|... (Generate "db" = Yes, Generate "css" = No, ...) |
String |
OtherGen | Generate other scripts | Boolean |
OtherExpanded (v7.0+) | Expand the other generation list (for display) | Boolean |
DynamicLoadDB | Load database dynamically | Boolean |
Debug (v2025+) | Enable debug mode | Boolean |
HashPassword (v6.0+) | Use hased password | Boolean |
CaseSensitivePassword (v6.0+) | Use case sensitive password | Boolean |
ServerValidate (v6.0+) | Use server validation | Boolean |
ClientValidate (v6.0+) | Use client validation | Boolean |
RecPerPage | Records per page | Integer |
RecPerPageList | Comma separated values for records per page (list page only) | String |
GrpPerPage (v2020+) | Groups per page (reports only) | Integer |
GrpPerPageList (v2020+) | Comma separated values for groups per page (reports only) | String |
PrinterFriendly (v6.0+) | Printer Friendly | Boolean |
ExportHtml | Export to HTML | Boolean |
ExportWord | Export to Word | Boolean |
ExportExcel | Export to Excel | Boolean |
ExportXml | Export to XML | Boolean |
ExportCSV | Export to CSV | Boolean |
ExportEmail (v7.0+) | Export to email | Boolean |
ExportPDF (v8.0+) | Export to PDF | Boolean |
ExportType (v7.0+) | Export Type: "SELECTED" = export selected records "PAGE" = export current page "ALL" = export all records |
String |
RecPerRow | Records per row (Multi-Column List page) | Integer |
MultiDelete | Delete records by multiple selection | Boolean |
SortType | Sort type 0 - no sort 1 - single column sort 2 - multiple column sort |
Integer |
PagerStyle | Pager style: 1 - numeric pager 2 - nextprev pager |
Integer |
TopPageLink | Pager on top | Boolean |
BottomPageLink (v5.0+) | Pager on bottom | Boolean |
ViewExport (v5.0+) | View page export | Boolean |
ListExport (v8.0+) | List page export | Boolean |
LinkOnLeft | Links on Left | Boolean |
InlineDelete | Inline-Delete | Boolean |
DetailViewPaging (v5.0+) | Paging in view page | Boolean |
DetailEditPaging (v10.0+) | Paging in edit page | Boolean |
ModalSearch (v11.0+) | Use modal form for advanced search | Boolean |
ModalAdd (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for add | Boolean |
ModalEdit (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for edit | Boolean |
ModalUpdate (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for update | Boolean |
ModalView (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for view | Boolean |
RepeatColumns | Repeat column count for radios and checkboxes | Integer |
DeleteUploadedFile | Delete unused uploaded file | Boolean |
LogPath (v2024+) | Audit trail / Log path | String |
RecipientEmail | Receiver email | String |
SMTPServerUsername | Smtp server user name | String |
SMTPServerPassword | Smtp server password | String |
FavIcon (v7.0+) | File path for FavIcon | String |
LoginOption (v7.0+) | Login options: "AUTO" - Auto login until logout explicitly | String |
UseButtonsForLinks (v10.0+) | Use buttons for links | Boolean |
UseDropDownForAction (v10.0+) | Use dropdown for action links | Boolean |
UseDropDownForListOptions (v10.0+) | Use dropdown for list option links | Boolean |
MultiPageType (v10.0+) | Multi-Page type: "Tabs" - Bootstrap tabs "Pills" - Bootstrap pills "Accordion" - Bootstrap accordion |
String |
UseDropDownForExport (v10.0+) | Use dropdown for export links | Boolean |
CheckConcurrentUser | Check concurrent user | Boolean |
ConcurrentUserSessionCount | Concurrent user session count | Integer |
UserProfileSessionTimeout | Concurrent user session timeout | Integer |
ResetConcurrentUser | Reset concurrent user | Boolean |
ForceLogoutUser (v2024+) | Force logout user | Boolean |
ForceLogoutConcurrentUser (v2024+) | Force logout concurrent user (use in conjunction with CheckConcurrentUser) | Boolean |
CheckLoginRetry | Check login retry | Boolean |
LoginMaxRetry | Maximum failed login attempts (for a given interval) | Integer |
LoginRetryInterval | Login attempt interval (minutes) | Integer |
ResetLoginRetry | Reset login retry | Boolean |
CheckPasswordExpiry | Check password expiry | Boolean |
UserProfilePasswordExpire | Password expiry time (days) | Integer |
SetPasswordExpired | Set password expired | Boolean |
ResendRegisterEmail | Resend register email | Boolean |
AuditTrailToDB | Write audit trail to database | Boolean |
AuditTrailTable | Audit trail table name | String |
AuditTrailFieldDateTime | Audit trail date/time field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldScript | Audit trail script field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldUser | Audit trail user field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldAction | Audit trail action field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldTable | Audit trail table field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldField | Audit trail field field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldKeyValue | Audit trail key value field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldOldValue | Audit trail old value field name | String |
AuditTrailFieldNewValue | Audit trail new value field name | String |
ExportLogTableName (v2023+) | Export log Table name | String |
ExportLogFileIdField (v2023+) | Export log File Id field name | String |
ExportLogDateTimeField (v2023+) | Export log Date/Time field name | String |
ExportLogUserField (v2023+) | Export log User field name | String |
ExportLogExportTypeField (v2023+) | Export log Export Type field name | String |
ExportLogTableField (v2023+) | Export log Table field name | String |
ExportLogKeyValueField (v2023+) | Export log Key Value field name | String |
ExportLogFilenameField (v2023+) | Export log File Name field name | String |
ExportLogRequestField (v2023+) | Export log Request field name | String |
ExportFilesExpiryTime (v2023+) | Export log Files Expiry Time (minutes) | Integer |
JavaScripts (v2018+) | List of external JavaScripts | String |
StyleSheets (v2018+) | List of external StyleSheets | String |
Composer (v2019+) | Run composer update | Boolean |
Restore (v2019+) | Default composer update setting | Boolean |
Require (v2020+) | Additional composer packages | String |
BrandHref (v2020+) | Hyperlink for brand logo/text | String |
GitRemoteUrl (v2021+) | Git Remote Repository URL (for multi user project) | String |
GitUserName (v2021+) | Git Remote Repository user name (for multi user project) | String |
GitPassword (v2021+) | Git Remote Repository password (for multi user project) | String |
UserPhotoFld (v2022+) | User image field name | String |
WebPushAnonymous (v2022+) | Use Web Push Notification for anonymous user | Boolean |
UseWebPushNotification (v2022+) | Use Web Push Notification | Boolean |
SubscriptionTable (v2022+) | Subscription table name for Web Push Notification | String |
SubscriptionFieldId (v2022+) | Subscription ID field name for Web Push Notification | String |
SubscriptionFieldUser (v2022+) | Subscription User field name for Web Push Notification | String |
SubscriptionFieldEndpoint (v2022+) | Subscription Endpoint field name for Web Push Notification | String |
SubscriptionFieldPublicKey (v2022+) | Subscription public key field name for Web Push Notification | String |
SubscriptionFieldAuthToken (v2022+) | Subscription auth token field name for Web Push Notification | String |
SubscriptionFieldContentEncoding (v2022+) | Subscription content encoding field name for Web Push Notification | String |
PushServerPublicKey (v2022+) | Server VAPID public key | String |
PushServerPrivateKey (v2022+) | Server VAPID private key | String |
SendPushNotificationTimeLimit (v2022+) | Send push notification time limit | Integer |
UseTwoFactorAuthentication (v2022+) | Use Two Factor Authentication | Boolean |
ForceTwoFactorAuthentication (v2022+) | Force user to use Two Factor Authentication | Boolean |
ResetUserSecret (v2022+) | Enable option to reset user secret | Boolean |
NpmPackages (v2022+) | npm packages | String |
TwoFactorAuthenticationType (v2023+) | Two factor authentication type (Google/Email/Sms) | String |
DisablePasswordChecking (v2024+) | Disable password checking and use Two factor authentication to authenticate (Email/Sms only) | Boolean |
AdminEmail (v2025+) | Admin email address if password checking is disabled and Two factor authentication is enabled for email | String |
AdminPhone (v2025+) | Admin mobile phone if password checking is disabled and Two factor authentication is enabled for SMS | String |
SecPhoneFld (v2023+) | Use Phone Number field | String |
RememberMe (v2025+) | Enable remember me option during login | Boolean |
AlwaysRememberMe (v2025+) | Always use the remember me option during login | Boolean |
SwitchUser (v2025+) | Allow admin to switch and impersonate an user | Boolean |
SendLoginLink (v2025+) | Enable the send password link option | Boolean |
The PROJ.MasterDetails Object contains the array of all master/detail relationships defined in the current project. Each master/detail relationship has the following properties.
Property | Description | Data Type |
MasterTable | Master table name | String |
DetailTable | Detail table name | String |
EnforceReferentialIntegrity (v10.0+) | Enforce referential integrity | Boolean |
CascadeUpdate (v10.0+) | Cascade update | Boolean |
CascadeDelete (v10.0+) | Cascade delete | Boolean |
The PROJ.CustomScripts Object contains the array of all custom scripts defined in the current project. Each custom script has the following properties.
Property | Description | Data Type |
ScriptType | Script type (Server/Client) | String |
ScriptCodeType | Script code type (Global/Table/Other) | String |
ScriptName | Script name | String |
ScriptCtrlID | Script control id | String |
ScriptL1Key | Script level 1 key (table/other name) | String |
ScriptL2Key | Script level 2 key (reserved for future use) | String |
ScriptCode | Custom script code | String |
The PROJ.Menus Object contains the array of menu items defined in the current project. Each menu item has the following properties.
Property | Description | Data Type |
MenuId | Menu id | Integer |
MenuText | Menu display text | String |
MenuParentId | Menu parent id | Integer |
MenuGroup (v8.0+) | Menu is a group item | Boolean |
MenuSource | Menu source | String |
MenuExtUrl | External url | String |
MenuAnonymous (v7.0+) | Menu allows anonymous access | Boolean |
MenuSecurity | Menu security settings | String |
MenuUrl | Menu url (table name if table list/report page) | String |
MenuCustomUrl | Menu use custom url | Boolean |
MenuLevel | Menu level | Integer |
MenuShow | Show this menu item | Boolean |
MenuDisplayOrder | Menu display order | Integer |
MenuIconClass (v2018+) | Menu icon class | String |
MenuNavbar (v2019+) | Menu is shown in Navbar (top menu) | String |
DB Object
The DB Object points to the current database. You can access the current database properties by DB.PropertyName.
Property | Description | Data Type |
DBID (v12.0+) | Database id | String |
DBName | Database name | String |
DBVar (v11.0+) | Database variable | String |
DBType | Database type | String |
DBPath | Database path | String |
DBPhyPath | Database physical path | String |
DBSID | Database schema id (Oracle) | String |
DBConnectionMethod | Database connection method (MySQL): "DIRECT" = direct connection "URL" = URL connection |
String |
DBURL | If connection method is "URL", this parameter specifies the URL to the remote server (MySQL) | String |
DBHost | Host name (MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle) | String |
DBPort | Port number (MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle) | String |
DBEncoding | Database encoding (MySQL/PostgreSQL/Oracle) | String |
DBUID | Database user id | String |
DBPwd | Database password | String |
DBQuoteS | Database start quote character | String |
DBQuoteE | Database end quote character | String |
DBConnstr | Database connection string | String |
DBADOVer | ADO version | String |
DBDBMSName | DBMS name | String |
DBDBMSVer | DBMS version | String |
DBSchema | Schema name | String |
DBSslCaCert (v2021-23, deprecated in v2024) | The path name of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file (for SSL connection to MySQL/PostgreSQL) | String |
DBSslCert (v2021-23, deprecated in v2024) | The path name of the server public key certificate file (for SSL connection to MySQL/PostgreSQL) | String |
DBSslCipherList (v2021-23, deprecated in v2024) | The list of permissible ciphers for connection encryption (for SSL connection to MySQL/PostgreSQL) | String |
DBSslKey (v2021-23, deprecated in v2024) | The path name of the server private key file (for SSL connection to MySQL/PostgreSQL) | String |
DBSslMode (v2021-23, deprecated in v2024) | This option specifies the desired security state of the connection to the server (for SSL connection to MySQL/PostgreSQL) | String |
MaxUploadSize | Maximum upload file size | Integer |
SecUserLevelFld | User level field name | String |
SecDefault | Default security setting | String |
SecuUserIDFld | User id field name | String |
UserIdForSameUserLevel (v2025+) | Use same user id security for same user level | Boolean |
SecUserProfileFld (v7.0+) | User profile field name (used by the advanced security features: concurrent user login / Login retry / Password expiry) | String |
UseDynamicUserLevel | Use dynamic user level | Boolean |
UserLevelTbl | User level table name | String |
UserLevelIdFld | User level id field name | String |
UserLevelNameFld | User level name field name | String |
UserLevelHierarchyFld (v2025+) | User level hierarchy field name (comma separated sub user level id) | String |
UserLevelPrivTbl | User level privilege table name | String |
UserLevelPrivTblNameFld | User level table name field name | String |
UserLevelPrivUserLevelFld | User level user level name field name | String |
UserLevelPrivPrivFld | User level privilege field name | String |
SecuParentUserIDFld | Parent user id field name | String |
TABLE Object
The TABLE Object points to the current table. You can access the current table properties by TABLE.PropertyName.
Property | Description | Data Type |
TblSchema (v7.0+) | Table schema name | String |
TblName | Table name | String |
TblVar | Table variable | String |
TblKey | Table key | String |
TblGen | Generate this table | Boolean |
TblGenList (v7.0+) | Generation list for table scripts. Format: info=1|list=0|... (Generate "info" = Yes, Generate "list" = No, ...) |
String |
TblList | Show table in menu | Boolean |
TblView | Table view enabled | Boolean |
TblInlineEdit | Table Inline-Edit enabled | Boolean |
TblGridEdit (v5.0+) | Table Grid-Edit enabled | Boolean |
TblModalGridEdit (v2023+) | Table Modal Grid-Edit enabled | Boolean |
TblMultiEdit (v2023+) | Table Multi-Edit enabled | Boolean |
TblModalMultiEdit (v2023+) | Table Modal Multi-Edit enabled | Boolean |
TblEdit | Table edit enabled | Boolean |
TblEditConfirm (v5.0+) | Edit needs confirmation | Boolean |
TblEditCaptcha (v7.0+) | Edit use captcha | Boolean |
TblGridAdd (v7.0+) | Table Grid-Add enabled | Boolean |
TblModalGridAdd (v2023+) | Table Modal Grid-Add enabled | Boolean |
TblAdd | Table add enabled | Boolean |
TblAddReturnPage (v6.0+) | Table add return page | String |
TblAddOpt (v6.0+) | Table add option enabled | Boolean |
TblAddConfirm (v5.0+) | Add needs confirmation | Boolean |
TblAddCaptcha (v5.0+) | Add use captcha | Boolean |
TblInlineAdd (v5.0+) | Table Inline-Add enabled | Boolean |
TblInlineCopy (v5.0+) | Table Inline-Copy enabled | Boolean |
TblMultiUpdate (v5.0+) | Table Multi-Update enabled | Boolean |
TblMultiUpdateConfirm (v5.0+) | Multi update needs confirmation | Boolean |
TblAnonymous (v5.0+) | Table anonymous access security | Integer |
TblIsMaster | Table is a master table | Boolean |
TblIsDetail | Table is a detail table | Boolean |
TblDelete | Table delete enabled | Boolean |
TblCaption | Table caption | String |
TblUpdatable | Table is updatable | Boolean |
TblSQL | Table SQL (Views only) | String |
TblError | Table SQL error (Views only) | String |
TblSrchType | Table search type: "NONE" - none "BASIC" - basic search "ADVANCED" - advanced search "BOTH" - both basic & advanced search |
String |
TblSearchHighlight (v5.0+) | Search highlight | Boolean |
TblSearch (v8.0+) | Table advanced search enabled | Boolean |
TblBasicSearch (v8.0+) | Table basic search enabled | Boolean |
TblExtendedBasicSearch (v8.0+) | Table extended basic search enabled | Boolean |
TblBasicSearchDefault (v9+) | Table basic search default value | String |
TblBasicSearchTypeDefault (v9+) | Table basic search type default value | String |
TblExtSearchFldPerRow (v8.0+) | Table extended basic search fields per row | Integer |
TblDefault | Default table when site loads | Boolean |
TblCopy | Table copy enabled | Boolean |
TblFilter | Table filter (sql where clause) | String |
TblUserIDFld | Table user id field name | String |
TblSecurity | Table security settings | String |
TblUserIDAllow (v9+) | Table allow view all security level | Integer |
TblExpanded (v7.0+) | Expand the table generation list (for display) | Boolean |
TblLoaded | Table is loaded | Boolean |
TblRptShowSummaryView (v2020+) | Show compact summary report (reports only) | Boolean |
TblRptShowDetails | Show report details (reports only) | Boolean |
TblRptShowGrandTotal | Show report grand total (reports only) | Boolean |
OutputFolder (v11.0+) | Output folder (custom files only) | String |
IncludeFiles (v11.0+) | Include PHP files (custom files only) | Boolean |
TblReportType (v11.0+) | Report type ("custom" for custom files, "summary" for summary report, "crosstab" for crosstab report, "dashboard" for dashboard report) | String |
TblShowReport (v2020+) | Show report (reports only) | Boolean |
TblRptShowPageTotal (v2020+) | Show report page total (reports only) | Boolean |
TblRowSum (v2020+) | Show row sum (crosstab reports only) | Boolean |
TblShowEmptyRows (v2020+) | Show empty rows (crosstab reports only) | Boolean |
TblCustomSQL | Table custom SQL (Custom Views only) | String |
TblCustomError | Error loading custom views / reports | String |
TblRptSrc | Report source table (reports only) | Boolean |
TblUseGlobal | Use global settings | Boolean |
TblRecPerPage | Records per page (list page only) | Integer |
TblRecPerPageList | Dynamic values for records per page (list page only) | String |
TblGrpPerPage (v2020+) | Groups per page (reports only) | Integer |
TblGrpPerPageList (v2020+) | Dynamic values for groups per page (reports only) | String |
TblPrinterFriendly (v6.0+) | Printer Friendly | Boolean |
TblExportHtml | Export to HTML | Boolean |
TblExportWord | Export to Word | Boolean |
TblExportExcel | Export to Excel | Boolean |
TblExportXml | Export to XML | Boolean |
TblExportCSV | Export to CSV | Boolean |
TblExportEmail (v7.0+) | Export to email | Boolean |
TblExportPDF (v8.0+) | Export to PDF | Boolean |
TblExportType (v7.0+) | Export Type: "SELECTED" = export selected records "PAGE" = export current page "ALL" = export all records |
String |
TblImport (v2019+) | Import from external files (Excel/CSV) | Boolean |
TblGridAddReturnPage (v2019+) | Grid-Add return page ("_GRIDADD" = Grid-Add page, "_GRIDEDIT" = Grid-Edit page) | String |
TblGridEditReturnPage (v2019+) | Grid-Edit return page ("_GRIDADD" = Grid-Add page, "_GRIDEDIT" = Grid-Edit page) | String |
TblExportPageBreakCount (v2020+) | Export page break count (reports) | Integer |
TblRecPerRow | Records per row (Multi-Column List page) | Integer |
TblMultiDelete | Delete records by multiple selection | Boolean |
TblSortType | Sort type 0 - no sort 1 - single column sort 2 - multiple column sort |
Integer |
TblPagerStyle | Pager style: 1 - numeric pager 2 - nextprev pager |
Integer |
TblTopPageLink | Pager on top | Boolean |
TblBottomPageLink (v5.0+) | Pager on bottom | Boolean |
TblViewExport (v5.0+) | View page export | Boolean |
TblListExport (v8.0+) | List page export | Boolean |
TblLinkOnLeft | Links on Left | Boolean |
TblInlineDelete | Inline-Delete | Boolean |
TblDetailViewPaging (v5.0+) | Paging in view page | Boolean |
TblDetailEditPaging (v10.0+) | Paging in edit page | Boolean |
TblModalSearch (v11.0+) | Use modal form for advanced search | Boolean |
TblModalAdd (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for add | Boolean |
TblModalEdit (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for edit | Boolean |
TblModalUpdate (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for Multi-Update | Boolean |
TblModalView (v2017.0+) | Use modal form for view | Boolean |
TblAuditTrail | Table use audit trail | Boolean |
TblSendMailOnAdd | Send email on add | Boolean |
TblSendMailOnEdit | Send email on edit | Boolean |
TblSendMailOnDelete | Send email on delete | Boolean |
TblShowBlankListPage | Show blank list page | Boolean |
TblDetailShowCount (v7.0+) | Show detail record count | Boolean |
TblDetailAdd (v9+) | Allow detail add | Boolean |
TblDetailEdit (v9+) | Allow detail edit | Boolean |
TblDetailView (v10.0+) | Allow detail view | Boolean |
TblShowMultipleDetails (v10.0+) | Show multiple details | Boolean |
TblEditReturnPage (v6.0+) | Table edit return page | String |
TblMultiPageAdd (v6.0+) | Table add Multi-Page layout enabled | Boolean |
TblMultiPageEdit (v6.0+) | Table edit Multi-Page layout enabled | Boolean |
TblMultiPageView (v6.0+) | Table view Multi-Page layout enabled | Boolean |
TblMultiPageSearch (v8.0+) | Table search Multi-Page layout enabled | Boolean |
TblCheckConcurrentUpdate (v7.0+) | Check for concurrent update | Boolean |
TblUserLevelPriv (v9+) | Use table in dynamic user level security | Boolean |
TblDisplayRowCount (v10.0+) | Display row count | Boolean |
TblUseButtonsForLinks (v10.0+) | Use buttons for links | Boolean |
TblUseDropDownForAction (v10.0+) | Use dropdown for action links | Boolean |
TblUseDropDownForListOptions (v10.0+) | Use dropdown for list option links | Boolean |
TblMultiPageType (v10.0+) | Multi-Page type: "Tabs" - Bootstrap tabs "Pills" - Bootstrap pills "Accordion" - Bootstrap accordion |
String |
TblUseDropDownForExport (v10.0+) | Use dropdown for export links | Boolean |
TblDashboardType (v2020+) | Dashboard report type (dashboard reports only) | String |
LinkDBID (v12.0+) | Link database id (for table type = "LINKTABLE" only) | String |
LinkTableName (v12.0+) | Linked table name (for table type = "LINKTABLE" only) | String |
LinkTableType (v12.0+) | Linked table type (for table type = "LINKTABLE" only) | String |
CrosstabSummaryFields (v2020+) | Crosstab summary fields (crosstab reports only) | String |
CrosstabSummaryTypes (v2020+) | Crosstab summary types (crosstab reports only) | String |
ShowGroupHeaderAsRow (v2020+) | Show group header as row (summary reports only) | Boolean |
ShowCompactSummaryFooter (v2020+) | Show compact summary footer (summary reports only) | Boolean |
TblPageCaptions | Page captions for Multi-Page | String |
PreviewField (v2022+) | Preview field name | String |
UseColumnVisibility (v2022+) | Use column visibility dropdown in list page | Boolean |
CalendarIdField (v2023+) | Calendar Id field name | String |
CalendarTitleField (v2023+) | Calendar Title field name | String |
CalendarStartDateField (v2023+) | Calendar Start Date field name | String |
CalendarEndDateField (v2023+) | Calendar End Date field name | String |
CalendarGroupIdField (v2023+) | Calendar Group Id field name | String |
CalendarAllDayField (v2023+) | Calendar All Day field name | String |
CalendarUrlField (v2023+) | Calendar Url field name | String |
CalendarClassNamesField (v2023+) | Calendar Class Names field name | String |
CalendarDisplayField (v2023+) | Calendar Display field name | String |
CalendarBackgroundColorField (v2023+) | Calendar Background Color field name | String |
CalendarDescriptionField (v2023+) | Calendar Description field name | String |
TblQuery (v2023+) | Use Query Builder for search | Boolean |
DashboardSearchFields (v2024+) | Dashboard search field list (Dashbaord Report only) | String |
UpdateTable (v2025+) | Update Table name | String |
SoftDeleteField (v2025+) | Soft Delete field name | String |
HardDelete (v2025+) | Enable Hard Delete if Soft Delete enabled | Boolean |
SoftDeleteTimeAware (v2025+) | Enable Time Aware if Soft Delete enabled | Boolean |
CHART Object (v2020+)
The CHART Object points to the current chart. You can access the current chart properties by CHART.PropertyName.
Property | Description | Data Type |
ChartName | Chart name | String |
ChartVar | Chart variable name | String |
ShowChart | Show chart in report | Boolean |
ChartXFldName | Chart X axis field name | String |
ChartYFldName | Chart Y axis field name | String |
ChartSeriesYAxis | Chart y-axis series ("1" / "2", comma separated) | String |
ChartSeriesRenderAs | Chart y-axis series render as ("bar" / "line" / "area", comma separated) | String |
ChartSeriesFldName | Chart series field name (multi-series or stacked charts) | String |
ChartSeriesFldOrder | Chart series field order ("ASC" / "DESC") | String |
ChartSummaryType | Chart summary type (SUM/AVG/MIN/MAX/COUNT) | String |
ChartType |
Chart type: (Single series) 1001 - Column 2D 1002 - Line 2D 1003 - Area 2D 1004 - Bar 2D 1005 - Pie 2D 1006 - Dougnut 2D (Multi series) 2001 - Column 2D 2002 - Line 2D 2003 - Area 2D 2004 - Bar 2D (Stacked) 3001 - Column 2D 3003 - Area 2D 3004 - Bar 2D (Combination) 4001 - Multi-series 2D Single Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area) 4021 - Stacked Column2D + Line single Y Axis 4031 - Multi-series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area)br> |
Integer |
ChartSeriesType | Chart series type ("0" = series field / "1" = multiple column fields) | Integer |
ChartWidth | Chart width (in pixel) | Integer |
ChartHeight | Chart height (in pixel) | Integer |
ChartBgColor | Background color | String |
ChartCaption | Chart caption | String |
ChartChartBgColor | Chart background color | String |
ChartChartBorderColor | Chart border color | String |
ChartNumGridLines | Chart number of gridlines (reserved, not used) | Integer |
ChartGridColor | Chart gridline color | String |
ChartXAxisName | Chart X axis name | String |
ChartXAxisNameRotated | Chart X axis name is rotated | Boolean |
ChartYAxisName | Chart Y axis name | String |
ChartPYAxisName | Chart primary Y axis name (combination chart only) | String |
ChartSYAxisName | Chart secondary Y axis name (combination chart only) | String |
ChartYAxisNameRotated | Chart Y axis name is rotated | Boolean |
ChartYAxisMinValue | Chart Y axis minimum value (reserved, not used) | Long |
ChartYAxisMaxValue | Chart Y axis maximum value (reserved, not used) | Long |
ChartShowNames | Chart show names (X axis values) | Boolean |
ChartShowValues | Chart show values (Y axis values) | Boolean |
ChartShowHover | Chart show hover (X,Y values on chart) | Boolean |
ChartAlpha | Chart alpha (transparency 0-100) | Integer |
ChartColorPalette | Chart color palette (comma separated color code) | String |
ChartSortType | Chart sort type: 0 - no sort 1 - X ASC 2 - X DESC 3 - Y ASC 4 - Y DESC 5 - run time |
Integer |
ChartSortSeq | Chart custom sort sequence | String |
ChartPosition | Chart position: 1 - top 2 - left 3 - right 4 - bottom |
Integer |
ChartDrillTable | Chart drill down table name | String |
ChartDrillSourceFields | Chart drill down source field names (separated by "||") | String |
ChartDrillTargetFields | Chart drill down target field names (separated by "||") | String |
FIELD Object
The FIELD Object points to the current field. You can access the current field properties by FIELD.PropertyName.
Property | Description | Data Type |
FldName | Field name | String |
FldVar | Field variable name (format: x_FldName) | String |
FldParm | Field variable name without the "x_" prefix | String |
PropertyName (v2025+) | Field property name for entity | String |
FldAlias | Field alias name | String |
FldSourceName | Field source name | String |
FldSourceTable | Field source table name | String |
FldSourceField | Field source field name | String |
FldType | Field data type | Integer |
FldTypeName | Field data type name | String |
NativeDataType | Field native data type | Integer |
FldSQL (v12.0+) | Field SQL (for custom field only) | String |
FldIsCustom (v12.0+) | Field is custom field | Boolean |
FldSupport | Field is supported | Boolean |
FldSort (v2017.0+) | Field allows sort | Boolean |
FldSize | Field size | Long |
FldUniqueIdx | Field has unique index | Boolean |
FldReq | Field is required (NOT NULL) | Boolean |
FldIsPrimaryKey | Field is primary key | Boolean |
FldAutoIncrement | Field is auto increment field | Boolean |
FldAttribute | Field ADO attributes | Long |
FldMin | Minimum value for javascript validation | String |
FldMax | Maximum value for javascripot validation | String |
FldErrMsg | Error message if javascript validation failed | String |
FldValidate | Validate format for javascript | String |
FldServerValidateArgs (v7.0+) | Validate arguments (server side) | String |
FldClientValidateArgs (v7.0+) | Validate arguments (client side) | String |
FldRequired | Required field for javascript validation | Boolean |
FldPopCalendar | Use popup calendar | Boolean |
FldGenerate | Field generate enabled | Boolean |
FldList | Field list enabled | Boolean |
FldExport (v6.0+) | Field export enabled | Boolean |
FldView | Field view enabled | Boolean |
FldEdit | Field edit enabled | Boolean |
FldAdd | Field add enabled | Boolean |
FldAddOpt (v6.0+) | Field add option enabled | Boolean |
FldSearch | Field search enabled | Boolean |
FldBasicSearch | Field basic search enabled | Boolean |
FldExtendedBasicSearch | Field extended basic search enabled | Boolean |
FldDateSearch (v2020+) | Field date search type (reports only) - Year - Quarter - Month - Day |
String |
FldDateSearchDefaultYear (v2020+) | Field date search default year value (reports only) | String |
FldDateSearchDefaultQuarter (v2020+) | Field date search default quarter value (reports only) | String |
FldDateSearchDefaultMonth (v2020+) | Field date search default month value (reports only) | String |
FldDateSearchDefaultDay (v2020+) | Field date search default day value | String |
FldRegister | Field enabled for registration page | Boolean |
FldSrchOpr | Field search operator | String |
FldSrchOpr2 | Field second search operator | String |
FldDefault | Field default value | String |
FldSearchDefault (v9+) | Field search default value | String |
FldSearchDefault2 (v9+) | Field search default value 2 | String |
FldDbDefault (v7.0+) | Field default value (database) | String |
FldCaption | Field caption | String |
FldViewTag | Field view tag | String |
FldViewThumbnail (6.0+) | Field view as thumbnail (FILE type field only) | Boolean |
FldHtmlTag | Field html tag | String |
FldTagSize | Field html tag size | Integer |
FldTagMaxLength | Field html tag maximum length | Integer |
FldTagValues | Field user select value list | String |
FldHtmlTagReadOnly | Field is read only | Boolean |
FldTagHiddenValue | Custom value for hidden tag | String |
FldSelectType | Field select type (Table/Values) | String |
FldTagLnkTbl | Field link to table name | String |
FldTagLnkFld | Field link to table key field name | String |
FldTagLnkDisplay | Field link to table display field name | String |
FldTagLnkDisp2 | Field link to table display field 2 name | String |
FldTagLnkDisp3 (v8.0+) | Field link to table display field 3 name | String |
FldTagLnkDisp4 (v8.0+) | Field link to table display field 4 name | String |
FldTagLnkOrderBy | Field link to table order by field name | String |
FldTagLnkOrderType | Field link to table order type (ASC/DESC) | String |
FldTagLnkDistinct | Field link to table use distinct value | Boolean |
FldTagLnkGroupBy (v2023+) | Field link to table group by field | String |
FldTagCols | Field column count (TEXTAREA) | Integer |
FldTagRows | Field row count (TEXTAREA) | Integer |
FldTagImgWidth | Image width (IMG) | Integer |
FldTagImgHeight | Image height (IMG) | Integer |
FldTagAType | Href type | String |
FldTagATarget | Href target type (A) | String |
FldTagAPrefix | Href prefix (A) | String |
FldTagASuffix | Href suffix (A) | String |
FldBold | Field bold enabled | Boolean |
FldItalic | Field italic enabled | Boolean |
FldAlign | Field alignment | String |
FldFmtType | Field format type: "Currency" - format as currency "Date/Time" - format as date/time "Number" - format as number "Percent" - format as percent "String" - format as string |
String |
FldDtFormat | Field date format:
Integer |
FldNumDigits | Field number of digits after decimal | Integer |
FldIncLeadDigit | Field include leading digit | Integer |
FldUseParen | Field use parenthesis for negative | Integer |
FldGpDigits | Field group digits | Integer |
FileNameFld | File name field name (FILE) | String |
FileTypeFld | File type field name (FILE) | String |
FileSizeFld | File size field name (FILE) | String |
ImageWidthFld | Image width field name (FILE) | String |
ImageHeightFld | Image height field name (FILE) | String |
FldHrefFld | Field hyperlink to field name | String |
FldHrefFldOrig (v5.0+) | Href use original value | Boolean |
FldStrFunc | Field string function name | String |
FldUseDHTMLEditor | Use HTML editor (MEMO) | Boolean |
FldMemoMaxLength | Maximum length for memo field (list page only) | Integer |
FldSelectSize | Multiple selection list size | Integer |
FldSelectMultiple | Use multiple selection list | Boolean |
FldSelectFilter | Field select filter | String |
FldAutoFillSourceFields (v9+) | Field auto fill source fields | String |
FldAutoFillTargetFields (v9+) | Field auto fill target fields | String |
FldParentSelect | Dynamic combobox parent field name | String |
FldParentSelect2 (v9+) | Dynamic combobox parent field name 2 | String |
FldParentSelect3 (v9+) | Dynamic combobox parent field name 3 | String |
FldParentSelect4 (v9+) | Dynamic combobox parent field name 4 | String |
FldSelectFilterFld | Dynamic combobox filter field name | String |
FldSelectFilterFld2 (v9+) | Dynamic combobox filter field name 2 | String |
FldSelectFilterFld3 (v9+) | Dynamic combobox filter field name 3 | String |
FldSelectFilterFld4 (v9+) | Dynamic combobox filter field name 4 | String |
FldParentSelectTbl (v12.0+) | Dynamic combobox parent field table name | String |
FldParentSelectTbl2 (v12.0+) | Dynamic combobox parent field table name 2 | String |
FldParentSelectTbl3 (v12.0+) | Dynamic combobox parent field table name 3 | String |
FldParentSelectTbl4 (v12.0+) | Dynamic combobox parent field table name 4 | String |
FldSelectAllowAdd | Ajax add to combo box | Boolean |
FldQuoteS | Field start quote character | String |
FldQuoteE | Field end quote character | String |
FldColumnWidth | List page field column width | String |
FldColumnWrap | List page field column wrap | Boolean |
FldAggregate | Field aggregate function name | String |
FldGroupBy | Field grouping sequence (reports only) | Integer |
FldGroupByType (v2020+) | Field group by type: (reports only) "n" - Normal "y" - Year (date fields) "q" - Quarter (date fields) "m" - Month (date fields) "w" - Week (date fields) "d" - Day (date fields) "h" - Hour (date fields) "min" - Minute (date fields) "i" - Interval (numeric fields) "f" - First few characters (string fields) |
String |
FldGroupByInterval (v2020+) | Field group by interval (valid for group by type = "i" & "f" only) (reports only) | Long |
FldRowID (v2020+) | Field row index (crosstab report only) | Integer |
FldColumnID (v2020+) | Field column index (crosstab report only) | Integer |
FldColumnDateType (v2020+) | Field column date type: (column
field is date only, crosstab reports only) "y" - Year "q" - Quarter "m" - Month "d" - Date |
String |
FldColumnDateSelect (v2020+) | Field column date with selectable year (crosstab reports only) | Boolean |
FldSummaryID (v2020+) | Field summary index (crosstab report only) | Integer |
FldSummaryType (v2020+) | Field summary type: (crosstab reports only) "AVG" - Average "COUNT" - Count "MAX" - Maximum "MIN" - Minimum "SUM" - Sum |
String |
FldFilterName (v2020+) | Field filter name (relative filter names, comma separated, summary reports only) | String |
FldOrderBy | Field ordering sequence | Integer |
FldOrder | Field order type (ASC/DESC) | String |
FldGroupByShowSummary | Field grouping show summary (reports only) | Boolean |
FldRptAggSum | Aggregate field sum (reports only) | Boolean |
FldRptAggAvg | Aggregate field average (reports only) | Boolean |
FldRptAggMin | Aggregate field minimum (reports only) | Boolean |
FldRptAggMax | Aggregate field maximum (reports only) | Boolean |
FldRptAggCnt (v2020+) | Aggregate count of field (reports only) | Boolean |
FldRptSkipNull (v2020+) | Skip null values (reports only) | Boolean |
FldRepeatColumns | Repeat column count for radios and checkboxes | Integer |
FldUploadPath | Field level upload path | String |
FldUploadMultiple (v10.0+) | Upload multiple fields (comma separated) | Boolean |
UploadAllowedFileExt (v11.0+) | Allowed upload file extensions (comma separated) | Boolean |
UploadMaxFileSize (v11.0+) | Upload maximum file size | Long |
UploadMaxFileCount (v11.0+) | Upload maximum file count (multiple upload only) | Long |
FldCheckDuplicate | Check duplicate for field | Boolean |
FldPageIndex | Field page index (Multi-Page add/edit) | Integer |
FldAutoUpdateValue (v5.0+) | Field auto update value | String |
FldUploadResize (v5.0+) | Resize file on upload (FILE) | Boolean |
FldResizeWidth (v5.0+) | Resize file width | Integer |
FldResizeHeight (v5.0+) | Resize file height | Integer |
FldMultiUpdate (v5.0+) | Field enabled for Multi-Update | Boolean |
FldTitle (v5.0+) | Field title attribute (INPUT) | String |
FldAlt (v5.0+) | Field alt attribute (IMG) | String |
FldEditCustomAttributes (v5.0+) | Field edit tag custom attributes | String |
FldViewCustomAttributes (v5.0+) | Field view tag custom attributes | String |
FldTagACustomAttributes (v8.0+) | Field href tag custom attributes | String |
FldResizeQuality (v5.0+) | Resize file quality | Integer |
FldAutoFill (v6.0+) | Field auto fill | Boolean |
FldSelectForceSelection (v6.0+) | Field select force selection | Boolean |
FldMemoCRLFReplace (v6.0+) | Field replace CrLf with <br> | Boolean |
FldTooltipFld (v7.0+) | Field tool tip field | String |
FldTooltipWidth (v7.0+) | Field tool tip width (px) | Long |
FldVirtualLookup (v7.0+) | Field use virtual lookup (for sort and search) | Boolean |
FldVirtualLookupSearch (v7.0+) | Use textbox for virtual lookup search | Boolean |
FldViewTemplate (v9+) | Field custom view template | String |
FldEditTemplate (v2018+) | Field custom edit template | String |
FldDrillParameter (v2020+) | Field is drill down parameter (reports only) | Boolean |
FldDrillTable (v2020+) | Field drill down table (reports only) | String |
FldDrillSourceFields (v2020+) | Field drill down source fields (separated by "||", reports only) | String |
FldDrillTargetFields (v2020+) | Field drill down target fields (separated by "||", reports only) | String |
FldOptionTemplate (v12.0+) | Optional template for auto fill/auto suggest | String |
FldDropdown (v12.0+) | Use bootstrap dropdown for field | Boolean |
FldDropdownWidth (v12.0+) | Dropdown width | Integer |
FldDropdownHeight (v12.0+) | Dropdown height | Integer |
FldModalLookup (v2017.0+) | Use modal form to search and select from lookup table | Boolean |
FldModalLookupPageSize (v2017.0+) | Modal lookup page size | Integer |
FldCheckPasswordStrength (v2018.0+) | Check password strength (Password field) | Boolean |
FldGeneratePassword (v2018.0+) | Generate password (Password field) | Boolean |
UseBootstrapSwitch (v2021+) | Use Bootstrap switch (Boolean checkbox field) | Boolean |
CustomMsg (v2021+) | Custom message for add/edit | String |
FileAccept (v2021+) | Specify the file types (e.g. */images) that can be selected by the user (File type field) | String |
FileCapture (v2021+) | Specify which camera to use (user/environment) for capture of image or video data (File type field) | String |
FldSelectSearch (v2021+) | Use search in SELECT2 (Select type field) | Boolean |
FldFormat (v2022+) | Field format string | String |
FldInputType (v2022+) | Field HTML5 input type (default is "text") | String |
FldStep (v2022+) | Field step value (for FldInputType=range) | String |
FldPattern (v2022+) | Field format pattern | String |
FldFilter (v2022+) | Use field excel style filter in list page | Boolean |
FldCardClass (v2022+) | Multi column list page field card class | String |
The PROJ.LINKDBS array contains all link databases defined in the current project.
Each link database has the same properties as the DB object above.