Import maximum execution time (seconds)
Maximum executing time for import. Default value is 300 (5 minutes). Change to a larger value if you allow importing a lot of records.
Import records by insert only
Only insert is performed. Default value is true. Uncheck if you also want to update records with the same primary key.
- Make sure that you understand the implication before modifying this setting.
- Beware of that if some field values in the import data are empty, they will overwrite the data in the database.
Import records with transaction
Use transaction to test importing first, then the transaction will be rollbacked. The trial result will be shown to user for confirming or denying import. Default value is true.
- Database/Table must support transaction for this to work, e.g. if you use MySQL, you should use table with "InnoDB" engine.
- If the table uses auto-increment field, note that there will be sequence gap after rollback.
For MySQL, read AUTO_INCREMENT Handling in InnoDB -> "Lost" auto-increment values and sequence gaps.
Import maximum number of failures
Maximum number of failures allowed (per file) during import. If Import records with transaction is enabled, this settings sets the maximum failures you allow during the transaction. When the number of failures is exceeded, the transaction will be rollbacked. Default is 0, that is, import will be rollbacked once a failure occurs. Set this value to larger than 0 if you allow more than one failures.
Import supported file extensions
Supported file extensions for import (comma separated)